Internet is cloud of nodes(routers)


                      The network is the interconnection of two or more computers that share data/Information or resources.


         Communication is the transmission of data from one point to another by using transmission medium.we can communicate through Internet that is the largest Networkin the world.
Here is a question that what is the difference between network and communication . These two are almost same but the main difference of data communication and computer network is given below. 
Data Communication is the study of all technologies involved in the transmission of data. On the other hand Computer communication is the practical implementation of all those technologies. So remember this difference.
Basic components of communication are
1. Data (It is the collection of raw facts and figures) 
2. Source (From where we send data ) 
3. Sender (Who send data)
4. Medium (Device, Place or  space through data can travel)
5. Receiver (Who received the data)
6. Destination (Final point where we send data)
After this now i discuss the Basic Communication switching in detail.
There are two types of Communication Switching which are given below.
1. Circuit Switching
2. Packet Switching

First of all i discussed in detail about circuit switching.

1. Circuit Switching

                                    Circuit Switching is a technique a dedicated and fixed link Establish between source and destination. eg. Telephone Network.
In Telephone network when we call someone so a fixed and dedicated path has assigned to us and no one can use this path when once it created until the connection is lost and then it's free.
Circuit Switching.
Circuit Switching.

The main property of Circuit Switching, is that the service quality is much better and this is more secureable connection and provide us more security . But the other thing that may be the weak point of circuit switching is that there is a limited connection with it.This is the big reason that we need such type of switching which solve this problem, For this purpose packet switch is being made So packet Switching are widely used in the world.The other important thing is that some years ago in communication the service is the first priority and the security is the second but with the passage of time Now a days the security is the first priority and the service is the second priority. Now i discussed the second type of Switching that is Packet Switching.

Packet Switching:

                             Packet Switching is a digtal networking, communication method in which data transmit from one point to another or one node to another is  through a different route at the same time.So multiple data packets sent from one point to another or one node to another in the same time to the same destination. It is completely depends upon defectors technology. Now i define what is packets in data communication.It is also called multiplexing. The easy and best of example of packet switching is given below.
When we need a video or any documents , files, or software we can find it on internet. After finding it, we can download it so the file that is downloaded is through packet switching . Many small pieces of packets are downloading and after file has downloaded it is to combine in single form . So many routes are given to the packets so these packets can be downloaded at the same time.
Packet Switching


        The data are divided into small pieces. The source and desinattion adresses and same control infromatoin are added. This pieces of data are called Packets. 
With the Passage of time communication increases, so circuit switching is not enough and we have now use packet switching to sent data through multiple routes at the same times . Fault tolerance is high in packet switch network . In  Packet Switching  can do unlimited communication. In packet Switching Protocols are used that are the rules to control the flow of any switched network .
These are the basics of network and communications.

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