In this Post we will tell our Readers how to Boost your DSL speed Amazingly, in this post there are some simple layman tips and tricks to boost your internet speed. 

Nowadays Wireless technology is very widely used for internet but at the same time still DSL Connection is very much in use because of its High Bandwidth and Low Ping. Most of developing countries still use DSL technology because it's cheaper and easy to setup. Many of developing countries still don't use 3G and 4G technologies that's why their broadband Infrastructure depends upon mainly DSL.

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line, It is technology use to provide Internet connection to Users through a Telephone Line or Modern Fiber Optic Line. its Ideal speed can go up to 100s of MBPS but due to its physical dependance more than wireless technology usually users don't get these ideal speeds, one of the biggest advantage we have of DSL is that single line also provide Phone and IPTV facility simultaneously , so it means you can use your Internet, Phone and IPTV simultaneously.

You may be thinking how it is possible? three Services in one line. well it uses technology called Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), in this technology they virtually divide your Phone Line(Medium) into virtual frequency channels, along each channel they send different type of data, due to difference in frequency between different data they don't get intermixed. Thats is also the reason for higher bandwidth in line.

DSL speed depends upon various factors, speed gets much slower due to weaker signal and noise in the line can kill the speed greatly, avoid noise loose joints etc Continue reading through this post it will help you alot if you are a sad DSL user.

Due to Attenuation and Losses in the Line signal often gets weaker due to many reasons which are given below:
So in order to get much better speeds according to subscribed package follow the tips given below it will help you so much.

1- Distance from Telephone Booster
This greatly affect your speed because more you are distant from the booster the more wire you will use, so more copper means more attenuation losses, so make sure when you get a new DSL connection ask your lineman to give you connection from Nearest Booster.

2- Distance from DSL/Telephone Exchange

If you are near to exchange then probably you will get greater speeds but infact you can't change your house and get a new one near the exchange. So this cannot help you if you are away from exchange.

3- Quality of Copper Wire

When you get a new connection make sure lineman installs a good quality copper wire from booster to your house, often Broadband service provider installs very low quality wire to get more profit out of customer, so i recommend you to buy your own good Quality Wire.

4- DSL Splitter

This is small box installed right before you telephone and router , it divides one connection to two, one for you phone and one for DSL. Don't compromise the quality of your internet and get a good quality splitter from market, it is easily available in 8$ to 15$. it actually divides your line into two physical connection one for you broadband and one for Telephone.

5- Joints at Different points

It is very strongly recommended for you to use only one piece of wire from booster to your house, because joints in wire affects greatly your speed,it weakens your signal and also cause noise in the line, noise can reduce amplitude of actual signal which carries data.

6-  Loose Joints

Suppose due to some reasons your wire is broken, and you have to connect it now, so make sure you connect it very tightly and also apply plastic tape on it to prevent it from corrosion. Loose joints will cause noise in your line and noise can seriously lowers your DSL speed.

7- Wire from Splitter to Router

Once splitter is connected now wire from splitter to router should be kept as much short as possible because if it kept long your signal will eventually attenuated and you will not get much speed. so keep this wire only 2-3 meters not more than that.

8- Apply for High Speed Package

After doing all above if you are unable to boost speed of you DSL connection then it might be problem from back end from ISP( Internet Service Provider), kindly complain your ISP and ask them to resolve the issue and if issue still persists then order a High speed package or change your ISP.

Kindly comment and give us feedback if any of above helped you having boost up your DSL Connection.

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