Parting moments do make our time challenging, but we don’t know how important those are in our ways of lives. We part from our close ones, our friends, never see their face for entire life. We part from our parent, our children, our siblings and our loved ones when they die; these moments strike those chords in us which make us feel that life without them is nothing. Neither dyeing nor hatred mean end to our lives. Sometime we pay for our wrong deeds in the form of a person we love most. Newtonian have firm believe in reactions caused by the actions. Close observations in the right path should easily uncover the secret of tragedy of emotion streams during parting moments. We tend to make us believe in the feeling of emotional attachment to someone with or without any need that we call love but it is more like ownership. Some people might prefer love more like ownership but love and ownership are two different entity. The biggest individuality these two possess may be the difference in their valediction.

Forgiving is the most beautiful act that can be done by any human being and it has all competency to be the best gift from one man to another. With the help of forgiveness ownership can be converted to love and relationships can be maintained, this way one doesn’t have to go through melancholy. Forgiveness cannot bargain the mourning’s of someone’s death, indeed it can be a good healer. Those hard times often come across in everyone’s life, one should not lose hope, although those people are important in their life but they should grow their heart big enough to stuff their emotions in them or they should learn to carry the weight of separation for their life. Human nature suggests otherwise, we forget easily no matter how traumatic situations we’ve been through.

As a matter of fact everyone in this world wants to live a happy life. They are always ready to pay any price for their happiness. ‘Money can buy happiness’ this is their mentality, but the reality is 180 degree opposite i.e. money sells happiness. In fact happiness cannot be bought.

In a nutshell, human being wastes their time and money both of which comprise life, on the cosmetic of segments which are useless in their life as well as in their afterlife. Question arises, is there after life? We believe in a fact that we have no idea about next moment, we simply cannot foretell, so how can we be sure about life which is even after our death? Truth is a secret, it has always been this way and we never know what truth is like as far as our personal experiences are not the subject. We only accept truth when we trust our source. The thing is do we trust our source which forewarn us every time regarding after life? This is the question we should look answer to. Yes there may be an afterlife and if there is, are we ready to face the God? No we aren’t. We are not in any position to be held accountable for the mess we have created in this world for our benefits. We have ruined this world and spread tyranny at the same place and time. We have always made baseless argument to divert the minds of common people to worthless. We always fight for peace to prevail in our societies. It is funny that we strive for something and follow the path which is opposite to that we want. We kill for peace although peace and violence are not the same thing, not even similar.

We have created butchery and have been witness to many blood baths in this land but we had never raised us to the standard to stop those or we didn’t even have the guts to raise our voices. We are invisible audience in this world whose purpose is to breath, eat, copulate and die. We learn to earn better and we earn more to live a luxurious life. The only reason to our care free and happy life is negligence from reality. Reality, which is more difficult to face and its rectification is even more difficult. Every passing moment is our past and every moment of future is turning into our present by every moment passing.

Forgiving is the only act which lacks in us. Forgiveness does make our lives easy after been to number of traumatic and hurtful incidents. Which I think would never be possible without one simple act. We never know that we, ourselves are one of the reasons of our tribulation. We, as the most intelligent creature on earth have proven to be the dumbest of all, almost in our day to day life we plan for best and come across worst, we do not want to account us for the mistakes we have committed every time in our lives rather blaming others has always been our foul practice. We break up from our closed ones over little difference, we part from someone when they die, and we distance ourselves from someone whom we are not comfortable with. Unification is neither our practice nor our need because we are so much busy in our personal life that we don’t want know that people are dying around this world, women are being raped, innocents are getting bullied and injustice endures in our society. Truth is not far as we think they are.

Parting moments are teachers. They teach us to stand firm, when we are facing our emotional breakdown. Some time we fall and we rise to start from the start, we bring our lives to routine. Sometime life without someone is impossible to imagine, be it your mother, father, wife, lover, kids or friends but you somehow cope up with such situations and adjust your lives to unexpected. This can be enough loss one should bare in life and he should never look forward for more. One should resist losing relationships in life because all that matter in life is relationships when you are alone, challenged or even after you die you are being remembered by one of them. Life alone is as dark as glamorous it looks. Parting moments do make our time challenging but we should make most out of it, as much as we can. Love or ownership, one of these exists in this world and these should be the eternal force to lead placating life.

(By: Kashan Aqeel)

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