File System :

       Everything is stored as files in a computer system. Files may be stored as application files or data files. Every operating system has its own way to organizing data internally. This management that is performs by operating system is done by a program called File System , The types of file system tell us that how data and programs are accessed. It also determines the level of accessibility available to users.


FAT stands for File Allocation Table . The file allocation table is used by operating System to locate file on the disk.A file may be divided into many sections and scattered around the disk due to fragmentation. FAT keeps track of all pieces of a file. IN DOS, FAT is stored after boot sector.It provides quick access to files. The speed of file access depends upon file type,partition size,file size, fragmentation and numbers of files in a folder.

Features of FAT File System:

Some Important features of Fate File system are given below.
  • File name should begin with alphanumeric Characters
  • File name can contain any characters except " / \ [ ] = , ^ ?a" .
  • FAT File System used by MS-DOS provides File name only 8 characters long.
  •  File names can contain spaces and multiple periods. 
  • It suports no file compression.


     FAT does not support local and folder security. A user logged on a computer locally has full access to the fies and folders in FAT partitions of the computer.


         This is the advanced version of FAT file system .It can be used on drives from 512 MB to 2TB in size. One of the most important features of FAT and FAT32 is that they offer compatibility with opening systems other than Windows 2000also.;

Features of FAT32 File System:

 FAT32 have following features.

Partition Size:

       FAT32 increases the number of bits used to address cluster. A cluster is a set of sectors.
It reduces the size size of each other . It supports larger disk (up to 2TB) and better effecieny .gestora


         FAT32 provides good file access in partition sizes less than 500 MB or greater than 2 GB. It Provides better disk space utilization.


       NTFS stands for NEW Technology File system . WINDOWS 2000 professional fully supports NTFS. It has the following characteristics.

Features Of NTFS File System:

Some Important Features of NTFS file system are given below.
  • Naming Conversation
  • File Names can be up to 255 characters
  • File names can contain most characters except " / \* | :
  • File Names are not case sensitive.
  • NTFS provides file compression of as much as 50%.
  • NTFS has highly relaiable.
  • NTFS also supports bad-cluster mapping.


           NTFS provides file and folder security. Files and folders are safer than FAT. Security is maintained by local level and also network level. It also contain the users and group security identifier (SID) and the privilages granted to them.

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