Heterogeneous Network:

It is a network connecting computers and other devices with different operating system and protocols . eg. LAN that connects Microsoft Windows and Linux base personal computers with Apple Macintosh computers are Heterogeneous.
Heterogeneous Network
Heterogeneous Network

Now I discussed the issues that involve in a heterogeneous network.

Issues Involve in a Heterogeneous Network:

   There are many issues involved in a heterogeneous network. These networks are more complex and expensive than homogeneous network. The heterogenous network is also a wireless network using different access technology.
Some major issues that involve in heterogenous network are given below.
  1. Security Issue
  2. Software or Installation Issue
  3. Compatibility Issue
  4. Cost Issue
  5. Complexity Issue
  6. Non Technical person or Training issue
  7. Configuration Issue
  8. Connectivity issue
  9. Handling Issue
These are some issues that we may face in a heterogeneous network. Now I discussed these issues in detail.

1. Security Issue:  

Almost all the networks or in other organization security is the first priority now a days. We can't compromise in security , we must secure our networks , accounts , sources, devices, cloud , services and app stores.
Every devices has its own security measures may be different protocols and operating system. So security management is the major issue to secure the network . we must secure our network from internal as well as external threats, and security management should solve all the security issues and all the possibilities of threats.

2. Software or Installation Issue:

To install a different operating system in different devices connected with each other via heterogeneous network is the painful and complex activity. Some software and operating system are not computable for all the devices so we cannot overcome this issue, so we must solve all the software and installation issue to prevent from any type of troubleshooting.       

3.Compatibility Issue:

In this network , the network is hardware dependent and not all hardware products are compatible when we connect two computers, they must use the Same protocols, this is the compatibility issue and we must solve this issue to connect different network successfully.

4.Cost Issue:

Cost is also the big issue of heterogeneous network, Because in a heterogeneous network we purchase different devices of different companies so due to this reason cost of the network is increased. We must purchase such type of devices that is best for us and also we can afford them

5.Complexity Issue:

In heterogeneous network we connect different devices of different protocols and operating system so to handle these types of network is not a simple or easy task. So it is very complex network. Due to different protocols and operating system, it may cause very complexity and it is very complex to handle these networks So we must solve the complexity issue.

6.Non Technical or Training Issue:

Training is one of the most important issues in a heterogeneous network. It is necessary when different devices communicate with each other in a network frame. To handle different devices is not so easy some training measures necessary for this purpose. People who control or set heterogeneous network must be well trained and have a good communication with network and have ability to solve the any heterogeneous network.

7.Configuration Issue:

To configure a heterogeneous network is a big problem . Configuration management is may be not exist but it is necessary to solve the configuration issue. Due to different routers of different of different companies and have a different addresses and protocols so while connecting configuration issue may occur. So we must solve the configuration issue. 

8.Connectivity Issue:

As we know that in heterogeneous network we connect devices of different networks of different protocols or operating system so due to different devices that belongs to different companies it may cause connectivity issues . We should resolve all the connectivity issue so we can successfully create the connectivity of different devices without troubleshooting.

9.Handling Issue:

Handling the heterogeneous network is also a major role and it is more difficult to handle than homogeneous network . we should have well trained people for handling heterogeneous network.
 So these are the Some major issues that involve in Heterogeneous Network.





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