First of all it is necessary to discuss about security. The simple definition of security is given below .


          The main goal of security is to ensure the security of the data is residing form and during the communication from end to end...
Remember this that no network is 100 percent secure till now. Now i discussed the basic pillars of security . There are three basic pillars  of security in networks.
Now I explain these pillars.

(a) Prevention:

                  Prevention is to stop any security breach from occurring. Here breach means to break security nest by force or illegally. This is inexpensive method. So in this method we stop the security threat before it has occurring eg . Firewall in Windows system is an example of Prevention.

(b) Detection:

                     Detection is the method in which we detect or sense any intrusion if the security is breach . it is more expensive than Preventioneg. The example of detection is an antivirus that detects the threats or viruses which may be harmful for the system. 

(c) Removal:

                   Removal is define as to take all the possible measures to stop any intruders from stealing or destroying secure data. It is more expensive than detection . eg. After detecting the security threat or virus and then remove or delete it such as in antivirus software we detect virus and then remove it.

2. Security Topologies

                                 There are three types of security topologies that are given below.
(a) Open Topology
(b) Restrictive Topology
(c) Closed Topology

1. Open Topology:

                            In this Topology every resource is open except the exclusively restricted resources. In this topology users is high and complexity is low. But security is also low in this topology.

2. Restrictive Topology:

                            A carefully planned topology keeping balance between security and resources.In this type of topology the security is medium , not too high and not too low. 

3. Closed Topology:

                             In this topology every resource is restricted except exclusively open resources. It is most difficult and most expensive. It is most difficult and most expensive. In close topology the user is very low due to its expensiveness, complexity.
Now after this i discussed the security model . 

Security Models .   

                    There are three basic security models which are given below.
1.       Security by Obscurity
2.       Primer Defense
3.       Defense in depth

Now I describe all these three one by one

1.Security by obscurity:

                             It is the process of securing the network by hiding it from public.
eg. The example of Security by Obscuring is VPN(Virtual private network) in which we hide our network to make it secure .

2. Perimeter defense:

              This is a method in which we securing the boundaries of the network. So there is no chance of threat coming from the outside of the boundary and it is simple and easy to implement. But its drawback is that it only secures the network boundary and it is non-secure from the internal threats.

3.Defense of Depth.

Securing every resource of network from outside and inside is called Defense of Depth. In this model we secure all our network from outside as well as inside .So there is almost no chance of threat from both side . This model is very expensive to implement .
So these are the three basic models of network security that we mostly used .


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