Fundamentals of Information Technology
Fundamentals of Information Technology
Information Technology
        Information Technology is the technology that uses computing with high speed communication links to spread information from one location to another location”
It is a type of Computer science that is usaly focused on how we can send data or Information thorugh one place to another through networks and also manipulate and store data for latter use . We can say that we live at the age of Information Technology . Through IT we can send and recieve data fastly and also we can share our data or information with others . These all sharing and tasks perform through networks , without networks these are all useless and we not say them IT.

Information Technology plays a vital role in every field of educational and some other places almost such as.
1.Global Village
2. Digital Convergence
3.Daily Life uses

Components of IT

There are three components:-
1.Computers: Its include all those things that is related to the computer hardware , its programmes and information.
2.Communication Network: communication networks consists of those networks that is used for Communication , It also includes Hardeware , programmes and information LAN , WAN are most widely used as communication networks.
3.Know-how: It includes people , applications and procedures
These are the three main and basics components of IT .

Applications of IT
Today we live at the age of Information Technology and day by day the use of IT increases in our life
Artificial Intelligence. Now I discussed some of the basics aplications of IT that should be helpfull and knowledgable for you to understand more about IT.
 Web Based Applications
 Mobile Commerce
 Distributing Computing
 Computer animations
 Multimedia & Hypermedia
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is used to develop machines with human like abilities such as learning, seeing and hearing etr.
 5th Generation
 Example of AI is Robots
 A complete Subject you study in next semester
Web Based Application
A type of software application that is available on the web.
 The user of the computer can used through internet.
It is a process of performing business over internet Any on line business consider in E-Commerce such as Amazon online business website, Forex Trading web sites , online solution provider in education field related web sites.
Mobile Commerce:

It is a process of buying goods and services using mobile phone Easy Pasa service, Bills pay through mobile phone

Distributing Computing
It is a process of running single task on multiple computers Same task which is implement in single PC show on other PC’s. For example present the presentation in Large organizations in such a format.

Computer Animation
It is a process of create moving images using computers Such as Adobe Photoshop ,Choral Draw & Power point software used for computer animation.

Multimedia & Hypermedia
“Collection of audio, video, Graphics and animations accessible by computer” (Multimedia)
For example MP3 songs , MP4 songs and adobe Photoshop etc.
A process of creating links to files that contains photographs, video, audio and text” (Hypermedia)
 creating the address of specific file mentioned in documents / websites.

Information System and Advantages of IT
“A system in which data and information flow from one person or department to another”

e.g. Businesses depends upon information system

Advantages of IT

There are many advantages of IT as follows :-
 3.Storing & Protecting Information
 4.Creating new jobs
 5.Cost Effective

Disadvantages of IT

1.Job Elimination
2.Dominate Culture Privacy
3.Implementation Expenses

Information Technology Professional

“A person who is responsible for acquiring, developing, monitoring, maintaining or operating the hardware associated with the computers and communication networks ”
 Following IT professional have the highest profile
 Network Specialist
 System Designer
 Project managers
 System Analyst
 Computer Operators.

By reading this post you must be able to describe Basic knowledge of IT to others .

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