Markhor is the national animal of is a large species of wild goat that is found in northen Pakistan north-eastern Afghanistan and southern Tajikstan and Uzbekistan. It is also known as Shakhawat. 
The colloquial name is thought by some to be derived from the persian word mar, meaning snake, and khor, meaning "eater",. So its mean markhor has the ability to kill the snake therefore it is also known as snake after killed the snake it can also eat it.

Markhor is about 132 to 184 centimetres (51 to 72 in) in length and weight from 32 to 110 kilograms.

They are mostly found on the top of the  mountains.. These are not found all over the world  Mostly they are found in North-asia. Their horns are so beautifull and attractive . They also have alot of hair around his neck and also all over the body . Hairs save them from cold and also keep them warm in winter season . They mostly walk on the mountain and their preyed may not be easy because their colour is matching with ice so its not easy to preyed them .They are not harms the people . Markor is a multicellular organism and belonging to the kingdom animalia .Markhor population is increases almost 20 percent in every year. Markhor are adapted to mountainous terrain, and can be found between 600 and 3,600 meters in elevation. They are mainly active in the early morning and late afternoon. Their diets shifts seasonally . in summer they eat graze but turn to browsing in winter . Their gestation period i sabout 135 to 170 days and they give birth to the young one . They mostly give birth to one or two child. During the summer, the males remain in the forest, while the females generally climb to the highest rocky ridges above..
currently there are three subspecies of Markhor has founded which i discussed in some detail below .

Astor Markhor

Astor Mrkhor has large flat horns, branching out very widely and then going up nearly straight with only a half turn. it is also called pre punjal markhor, which has heavy flat horns twisted like a corkscrew.It has been said to be found mostly on the right side of the yaseen vallay in Gilgit District. The largest population of these species is currently found in Chitral National Park in Pakistan.

Bukhran Markhor

They have formerly lived in most of the mountains stretching along the north banks of the upper armor Darya. It is limited in some areas. They are mostly found in the northern Afghanistan.This subspecies may possibly exists in Drwaz Peninsula of northern Afghanistan near the border with Tajikistan.

Kabul Markhor 

The Kabul markhor has horns with a slight corkscrew, as well as twist The Kabul Markhor survived in Afghanistan only in some areas near Kabul. In Pakistan, its present range consists only of small, isolated areas in Balochistan, and Khyber Pkhtunkhwa.
Markhor also considered the most challenging game species, due to the danger involved in stalking them in high mountain terrain.At least 100 animals are thought to live on the Pakistani side of the safed koh range.
Markhor are potential prey for snow leopards, brown bears, lynx, jackals, and golden eagles. While not directly causing their endangerment, the already small population of markhor is threatened by the close existing predators.
so this is some basic detail about Markhor .   It was one of the 72 animals featured on the WWF Conservation coin collection in 1976. In last i again discussed that Markhor is the National animal of Pakistan . I hope yoy like this Information . 

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