WATCH THIS BIRD FLY CLICK HERE FLYING EXPERT

Flying kite is one of the most funny and enjoyable sport. It does not need any special places or equipment to enjoy flying your kite. You just need a kite and the thread and a spot to fly the kite. But disadvantage about this sport is that you always need a kite to fly. You can buy a kite easily from a shop which is made up of paper and can easily be torn.

Sometimes when there is no season of flying kites, you can`t buy it from a shop. So what should you do?
Yes! Make your own kite with nothing but a plastic bag!!!

So in this post I am going to show how you can make a very nice and easy to fly kite from just a plastic bag.


When I first fly a kite it was a new experience for me and after that I used to fly kites almost all the day.
I liked flying so much that I spent a lot of money buying kites. As these kites were made up of very thin paper and being new to flying kites I always tear my kites within an hour and I could not enjoy it properly so I tried to make it using plastic bag which is very cheap and easily available. At first I could not make it properly and some of my kites could not fly even a foot. But I did not lose hope and at last I have that secret method which I am going to share up with you.

This kite flies as high as you want to take it.It is very easy to fly and it also allows you to control it moving here and there across the sky


If you are thinking that making this awesome kite will be very difficult and will need many things! YOU ARE WRONG. Because it does not require any special items to make it. In just 15 minutes you will get a perfect, easy to fly kite in your hands. So grab the following items really quick and READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS very carefully.Because you can`t fly it if you skip even one step!

These items are easily available everywhere


You can use any big shopping bag, but you should prefer plastic bags with thin plastic. Thick plastic has weight, which will resist to fly. But this plastic should not be so thin to bear the force of air. It happened with me when I used a very thin plastic bag it tore my kite from a corner and I lost a match with my friend because of this thin plastic.



Transparent Adhesive tape is a perfect choice to make plastic.You should use tape with 2 inch width. With just one adhesive tape you can make a hundred kites. So buy it for just one time and enjoy it like a lifetime.


You can use any scissors, but small scissors will not work so good. Also use sharp scissors. I prefer tailor scissors because these scissors are perfect for cutting thin sheets. Before you use them for your kite you should practice a bit over different things until you think you are good to go!


Sticks which I am using are taken from a paper kite. These sticks are made of bamboo wood by cutting them. You can also make these sticks from different home items like a broom or using coconut leaves. Or simply by chopping wood is straight away.


To fly a kite you must  need some thread. You will not actually need thread for making kites, but in the end you have to make a controlling tie from the thread which is very important.
You must be careful buying these threads as weak and thin thread can break the line in the mid air and too much thick thread will not fly so buy a thread which is of good quality


So you have everything, hmm? Read carefully and do it step by step

The first thing you have to do is to cut out a square piece of this plastic bag.

* In order to get that square piece cut both sides of plastic bag and you will get a rectangular plastic piece.

*overlap the plastic sheets in a triangular form and cut extra sheet. Now you have a square piece of plastic sheet

*Don`t just open this overlapped triangular sheet.You don`t want your kite to be a square because a square kite can`t fly like a perfect kite instead you want it to look like a long shaped and real kite.So at this spot you will shape it to a perfect kite.

By keeping it overlapped you will find three corners. Choose two corners. Which should be

1-First corner is the middle one having each side equal to another corner.

2-Second corner is any corner having one short side and a long side.
Now you have to trim these corners a little. (See the photos). These trimming helps kite to fly like a bird so be sure you trim them it the same way as I did.
And if you can`t understand any step you can ask about it in the comments I will answer as soon as possible.

 *Now just look at the finished sheet.It is perfect and will definitely fly like a bird and easily be controlled.If you can see! The side which is to the downside of this following photo is the side which will head up.

*Also the part you have trimmed off will be used as the tail.This tail will help to maintain the stability in the air and it will make a jet plane sound in the air, which is truly awesome.Even your friends will ask about the secret of this jet sound.


Now you have the sheet! In order to fly your kite high in air you have to keep this sheet stretch.To do this you have to get these thin sticks which should be light in weight and strong enough to bear the wind.I will say it again that these sticks should be strong enough to bear the air.Because it happened with me when I was flying my kite which was made by myself.I used sticks that were not strong and one of it broke in the middle of the air my kite was down within no time. In following picture you can see these sticks.

So you have to attach these sticks to the sheet.Take a stick and attach it in the middle of the sheet using adhesive tape. (see the picture)

This step is easy so I don`t think I have to explain it in detail.Once you have taped the middle stick half of  your  kite is done. The hard thing to do is to attack the second stick. So make sure you read it word by word.

Now stretch your second stick in shape of bow but don`t do it so much that it breaks or becomes weak.Put this stick on the sheet and before taping it, make sure you that the outward curve of the stick is towards the head of the kite.Now tape its one side to the first corner of the sheet.when you have taped this side move to second side.This time you have to stretch the sheet along with the stick.Now tape this side too.Its almost finished.


Tail is not so important to fly the kite but when it comes to look of kite it finds some importance.Also it is the tail which makes the kite sound like a jet engine.

There are multiple ways of making these tails, but here I am telling you about a tail, which can easily be made and gives your kite a look of fish. It also sounds like a jet and attracts many people and they will surely ask you about making this kite and it secret sound.

So overlap a piece of plastic again in the shape triangle.This is similar to the trimming process which we did above.Trim a corner of this triangle and you will have a V-shape tail. Take two small and weaker sticks and attach to each of the two tails. Then just tape this tail to the lower side of the kite and your kite will be ready.


Yes, you are not the only one that can't find these types of sticks.I think I am the first one who is searching  a way to make these sticks at home.And I actually found that way to easily make them at home.So here it is

Here are some ways that can help you to make these sticks at home.

1--Have you ever seen coconut leaves? Hope you can find them.In every of it leaf there is hard green stick which keeps the leaf firm.You can get this stick out by scratching it out from the leaf! If you know that these sticks are used to make brooms.So if you can find a broom like this you can easily make your kite.

2-You can use a wooden stick to make these sticks.If you are a good wood-worker you can easily make them.Or else you can seek help from a carpenter and he can make you a lot of sticks which will be very cheap.

3-you can also use plastic sticks.find a hard plastic sheet and cut some flat sticks from it and they will definitely work like a charm.

4- I might not work but if you have an aluminium foil you can use it to make a stick by folding it.It will be expensive but nothing can stop you from your sports passion.


Now your kite is almost ready to fly .Grab some thread to attach with your kite.This step is important to understand because if you don`t tie the laces correctly your kite will not fly.So read every step carefully.And images below show each step

1-Take a piece of thread a half way longer then the middle stick.If your middle stick is 20 centimeters then take a thread 60 centimeters and double it so it will be 30 centimeters long.I doubled it because it will give extra strength to laces.

2-Make two holes at the point where the two sticks are crossing each other.Using one side of this doubled thread tie a knot in this way that it holds the two sticks and plastic sheet together .This will keep the bow-stick attached with middle kite and your bow will not break in middle air.

3-Similarly make two holes on both side of the middle stick down the kite 4 inches near the tail.Using second side of this thread tie a knot in this way that it holds the stick and the plastic sheet.

4-Now you have a thread holding the kite from the middle stick.
Make a knot between this thread in this way that the length between this knot to forward-knot (the knot which is holding bow and middle stick) is slightly shorter than the length between this knot to the downward knot(knot which is near the tail) .(see the picture)

This knot is for attaching your thread which will be in your hands when you will fly the kite.
Now tie the tread with this last knot and fly your kite.


As I have told you before it is very easy to fly this kite.Follow these steps and you can easily fly it.

1-Check for air

 It is very important to find the direction of wind because you can`t fly kite against the direction of air.To find the direction of air drop some sand from your hands and see the direction of sand moving.This is the direction for your kite to fly

2- Ask your friend for help

Taking off your kite is a little hard, so ask your friend to take your kite to a distance and you can pull the thread to yourself keeping the head up.this will take kite to a height immediately.Then you can let some thread go in order to gain more height.


It is easy to control this kite.

*When it has gained some height you can move it in the direction of its head by pulling down the tread very quickly.

* When you what it to change the direction of its head, let some of your thread go, this will make rotate your kite so pull your thread back again when head is in a direction you want.

*Quickly pull your hand back like a shock and your kite will leap to a very short distance.



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