Operating System and Its Types


An operating system is a software program, but it is different from word processing programs, spreadsheets, and all the other software programs on your computer . An operating system is the single most important software when you run a computer, it is what takes care of pretty much everything on a computer system, while the majority of computers we see happen to be using one ‘type’ of operating system performing the same functions, operating systems can be branched into several different types as well.

Some basic properties or tasks of operating systems are given below.

1. Operating system is an interface between user and hardware an environment architecture.

2.It acts as a control program.

3.It gives each user a slice of the resources.

4.It also provide information protection and allows efficient usage.
Types Of Operating System:

There are almost six types of operating system which are given below.

1.Batch processing operating system

2.Real time operating system.

3.Single user operating system.

4.Multi-tasking operating system.

5.Multi User operating System.

6.Distributed operating system.

Now we will discuss all these types in detail . 

1.Batch processing System:

— In a batch processing operating system interaction between the user and processor is limited or there is no interaction at all during the execution of work. Data and programs that need to be processed are bundled and collected as a ‘batch’ and executed together.

This system were introduced to avoid the problems in early system. The problems of early system was more setup time so this is reduced by Batches known as batch processing system. It also automatically keep executing the important task performed by the Batch Monitor resided in the low and main memory.

2.Real-Time operating System.

A real-time operating system is a system that ensures the exact time requirment for a job.if a real time system does not complete a task in a certain time, it may cause a breakdown of the entire system it is running. Some application require to be serviced with in a time period:
Industrial control system , automobiles, Airplane guidence, Medical devices.

3.Single User Operating System:

A single user OS as the name suggests is designed for one user to effectively use a computer at a time
A single-User operating system is a single type of operating system that developed and intended for use on a computer or similar machine that will only a single user at any given time A single-User operating system that is a single task system is developed for use with a computer or electronic device that will only run one application at a time

This type of OS is typically used on devices like wireless phone and two-way messaging device A single task OS can only run one program or application at a time , and so it not as useful for a computer or other device intended to run multiple programs at once.

4.Multi Tasking Operating System:

In this type of OS several applications maybe simultaneously loaded and used in the memory. While the processor handles only one application at a particular time it is capable of switching between the applications effectively to apparently simultaneously execute each application. This type of operating system is seen everywhere today and is the most common type of OS, the Windows operating system would be an example.So this is the ability to do more than one task at one time.

5.Multi-User Operating System:

A multiple user operating system is an operating system that allow multiple user to use programs that are simultineously running on a single network server called a terminal server . For example : Unix and Linix and VMS are multiple operating system.

A multi-User operating system is a computer operating system that allows multiple user on different computers a or terminals to access a single system with one operating system on it.These program are quite complicated and must be able to properly manage the necessary task required by the different users connected to it.

6.Distributed Operating System:

In a distributed system, software and data are  distributed around the files and programs and also systems  that may be stored on different storage devices which may be located in different geographical locations and may be accessed from different computer terminals.

Reasons for distributed system:

1) Sharing and printing files at remote sites.

2) Processing information remote specialize hardware devices.
3) Computer speedup-load sharing.

4) Reliability –detect and recover from site failure, function transfer, reintegrate failed site

5) communication- message passing .

So these are the types of Operating System. I hope now you can fully understand the Operating System and its types

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