Computer Virus is actually just bunch of codes that can interface with other programs in your PC.

COMPUTER VIRUS is the most common and well known computer security threat. A computer virus is a program written intentionally to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission of the knowledge of the user. A virus replicates and execute itself by attaching the copies to other files such as program files or documents.
When activated virus may be Display annoying messsages, cause erratic system behavior , damage or delete files and erase data from the hard disk and also perform some type of harmful activity on infected host , you may lose your private data due to virus infection. Almost all time  viruses are install them self without user knowledge.The vast majority of the viruses target system running Microsoft windows. If you don't install antivirus software in your computer system that there is a lot of chance that your computer will become infected, especially when you are connected to the internet . Computer virus cause billions of damage in each year, due to causing system failure,  Computerr resources, corrupting data, increasing maintenance costs etc. 

Computer Worms

  Computer worms are malicious programs that replicate and spread independentaly and harm the computer. Worms spread through networks and over the internet to computers that are connected to the internet .
Worms can also spread by copying themselves from disk to disk or by email. There are many examples of worms some of the popular worms are SQL slammer , Sasser worms , Melissa ,The blaster worms and ILOVEU worms etc.
Computer worms can destroy files in the system , cause some programs to stop working and slow down the computer

The ways through which virus and worms are spread

     There are many reasons through which your computer may be affected by virus or worms. Some of them are given below . 
1.If your Windows firewall is turned off, then there is a great chance that your computer must be affected by virus . 

2. If you don't install windows and antivirus updates every month. 

3Infected Flash Drives or Disks :  Flash drives and disks are popular and easier way to store data, but these are now the main sources of spreading viruses among computers , when infected flash drive or disk connected to the healthy computer it becomes infected with virus

4. E-Mail attachments : Sometimes viruses may be attached with the emails which you received.

5. Surfing insecure websites :  you should avoid to open the non-trusted websites which may cause damage to your pc by infecting viruses .

6. Installing pirated software: When you installed dublicated and distributed software without without autho rization so it may also infect your computer.

The ways through which we protect our PC from viruses :

                                                                                                               Now i can tell you that how you can save your computer from viruses. Two main procedures are given below.

Turn On Windows Firewall

    You must check and make sure that your windows firewall is always turned on. It can protect you from viruses


                             Antivirus is a computer program that detects, prevents, and takes action to deactivate or remove malicious such as viruses and worms etc. Antivirus programs runs in the background all the time and informs the user when some malware is detected.It also protect your PC when your PC is connected to the network.
If you have not installed any antivirus on your computer then your computer may have been under virus attack . Therefor you must install a good antivirus in your computer or laptop to prevent from the virus attack. 
The  World's most popular antivirus software are given below that are widely used in world era.
6. Nod32
8. ClamTK Antivirusas shown below in image.
ClamTK antivirus
ClamTK antivirus

Scanning Computer for Viruses

 Scanning a computer from threats is very important to keep the computer in well working condition. when you have installed antivirus software in your computer, then you must scan full computer from viruses after one week or after a month . it is essential to keep your computer in good working . you must also install antivirus software updates every  weak to upgrade your software and protecting your pc from threats in better condition


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