As we all know the importance of minerals in the economy of different countries. These countries cannot build their economy without use of minerals.

But do we know the importance of minerals in our body? Many of us don't really care about mineral intake in their daily routine

How much Iron, copper, zinc, nickel, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iodine salts important and what role these salts play in our body? Many of us don't know about it yet!

A part of these mineral salts some traces of other mineral elements are also found in our body which play important role in controlling different processes in our bodies.
These include cobalt, selenium, silicon, copper,arsenic, boron, florium etc.

Lets discuss these minerals separately


Calcium unter Argon Schutzgasatmosphäre.jpg
Calcium is very important for your teeth and bones. It also helps blood to clot. Clotting of blood is very important, if blood cannot clot, your wounds and cuts will continue to bleed until your death. Due to the calcium small wound stops bleeding with in no time.
Calcium is also required by some chemical which are found in your digestive system,brain and liver.
Your muscles need calcium for development and proper working. The most important of muscles which require calcium is your heart.Calcium helps muscles is contraction.So it is very important that you keep a good calcium plan during your workout days.
Calcium combines with albumin to form new blood cells, bones and teeth.
The higher amount of Calcium is found in milk, cheese, eggs, fish, cauliflower and turnip.

Many people complain for the breaking of bones without any considerable accident. These people usually lack, calcium in their diet.Rickets is common in early childhood due to in sufficient amount of calcium in diet.

It is important to know that calcium can not be absorbed properly by your body if your body is lacking phosphorus and other important vitamins


As told before phosphorus combines with calcium and helps to grow bones. It also helps controlling and balancing quantity of fluids in our body. Insufficiency of phosphorus affects your organs and makes them weak. You feel pain in your bones most of the day and your appetite goes off.
Edible phosphorus is found in cheese, oat meal, eggs, wheat, milk and in cabbage in a considerable amount.



Spinacia oleracea Spinazie bloeiend.jpg
Spinach are said to be very rich in iron

Iron is very important for human body.It is that element which conducts oxygen from lungs to each cell of the body.But Iron needs vitamin-c for its proper working in the body. Foods having 1 or more grams of iron per 100 grams are Spinach, egg, beans, dates, grapes, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, meat and fish



Iodized salt is best way for intake of Iodine

Iodine is needed in a very small quantity by our body but it is a very important mineral salt which plays vital role in our body.Its helps thyroid gland to work properly.Its deficiency leads to swelling of glands all over your body.The reason behind problems of Tonsils is the deficiency of iodine.Deficiency of iodine also affects your digestive system.Nowadays iodine mixed salts is common which doesn't let deficiency of iodine in our body.


Sodium and chlorine together makes sodium chloride which is common table salt.This salt is very important to our body.It is the basic salt which makes each of our muscle-cell to response.It makes the basic fluid for the digestion of our food in also takes away carbon-dioxide from cell to lungs where our blood leaves carbon-dioxide and  gets oxygenated again.Its deficiency can lead to low blood pressure,fainting,vomiting and headache.It over consumption can increase your blood pressure and unbalance fluids in your body.


In our body it is present in red blood cells and in muscle-cells.Deficiency of potassium lead to weakness, muscle pain, constipation and in severe conditions can cause abnormal heart rhythm, permanent muscles damage, paralysis, kidney failure or even lungs failure.
It is found in almost every diet but its considerable amount is found in meat,eggs,milk,fish,cheese,oranges and bananas.


refer to caption; follow link for complete description
Food sources for Magnesium
Magnesium is found almost in every edible thing. In our body it is found in teeth and in bones.It strengthens our muscles and tissues.Combining with phosphorus and calcium it makes our tissues flexible.It helps in producing endorphin which  reduces depression.It also helps maintaining PH levels of our body.
 Its deficiency leads to weakness, sleeplessness, and weakness of circulatory system including heart.
It is found in wheat,chocolate,pees,and in pulses in a considerable amount



Pink globular mass with crystal facets
like iodine Florine is needed in traces by our body.It is the one of the most important element needed by our bones and teeth.It is found is fresh and healthy water also in marine plants and in tea leaves.Its deficiency leads to breaking of teeth and bones soon as its deficiency starts.





Copper is important because it is needed for the production of red blood cells.But it is also needed in a very small quantity.It helps maintaining number of red blood cells in plasma and reduces the chances of getting anemia.
Actually iron takes oxygen to cells and copper works as helper (or in science catalyst).
It is found in liver,fish,fruits,vegetables in a minute quantity.
Its deficiency leads  to anemia.


Zinc fragment sublimed and 1cm3 cube.jpgZinc`s first important role is to absorb sugar in our body.It helps in  production of  insulin.Due to it deficiency your wounds need longer time to heal.Your appetite goes off and your sexual health affects a lot.According to new research deficiency of zinc is one of the cause of pimples on your face.
It is found in meat,milk,seafood and in grains.

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