First of all i discuss the general characteristics of organic compounds.
General characteristics of organic compound:


Organic  compound is found naturally, but inorganic compound such as minerals are found from rocks
 The basic parts of all the organic compound are carbon and hydrogen but some other elements  such as nitrogen sulpher oxygen helogens  are made when combine with  carbon and hydrogen.

3.covalent linkage:

Organic  compound are dependent on covalent bond the bond might be polar or non-polar but inorganic always depend upon the ionic bond.

  4. Solubility:

Due the non polar linkage mostly organic compound are soluble in  solvent such as alcohol benzene carbon di sulphid etc  but inorganic compound due to ionic bond are soluble in polar solvent

5. Electrical conductivity:

Due the presence of covalent bond organic compound are semi conductor of electricity  on other hand inorganic compound due to presence of the ionic bond are stronger conductor of electricity.


The melting and boiling points of organic compound are low therefore organic compound are less stable as compare to the inorganic compound.


Organic compound contain high quantity of carbon therefore organic compound burn easily as compare to the inorganic compound that contain low quantity of carbon and did not burn easily.

8. Rate of Reaction:

Due to the presence of covalent linkage the reaction of organic compound are naturally molecule type and reaction occur at slow speed and for short time period and occur in the presence of catalyst  temperature and pressure:

Source of organic compound:

In nature organic compound are found in animals and plants . animals makes two main group of organic compound  proteins and fats  protein contain meat egg chicken and beef but fats contain milk and cheese and plants makes carbohydrates proteins fats and vitamans  the dead plants which are buried under the earth it makes petroleum and gas by bio chemical process . these are the major source of organic compound  we makes thousands of organic compound by destructive distillation of coal and fractional distillation of petroleum  these sources are given below in details.
Organic Compunds
Organic Compounds

There are two main source of organic compound .
(a)    Animals
      (b)   Plants


There are two types of plants live plants and dead plants we get organic compound from the live plants are oils such as pam oil olive ,peanut, and sunflower  and vitamen protein and carbohydrates for example potatoes wheat rice and maize . and we get organic compound from dead plant such as coal petroleum and gas.


Animals are another source of organic compound  we get two types of organic compound from animals number one is fats/oils  such as milk and cheese and second organic compound which we get from animals is proteins such as eggs,mutton,chicken,beef, and fish.
Uses of organic compound:

Use as diet:

The diet which we daily eat such as milk meat eggs and vegitables etc all these things depend upon the carbohydrates proteins and fats which are organic compound.

Use as clothe:

All types of clothes which we are wear  or use as bed sheets are made from natural fibers such as cotton silk  and synthetic fiber such as nilown . these compound are organic compound.

Use in houses:

Wood is a cellulose (naturally found organic compound) which is used in every house for making furniture for the houses decoration and makes pillars in the houses.

Use as fuel:

We use coal petroleum  natural gas as a fuel in the houses and in transport buses car truck etc…
It is called fossil fuel and it is also a organic compound.

Use as medicine:

Large number of organic compound are used as medicine .many medicine which save life of animals and plants and humain beings these are prepared as antibiotics in lab.

These are the general characteristics , source and use of Organic Compound.


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