What are Language translators?

Language translator is type of system software that converts the high level language into machine language. High level languages are English like words which are not understandable by the computer directly. It must be converted into machine language then execute on the computer. Language translator use for this purpose every computer language has its own language translator. language translator is also called language processor some language translate source program into object code as a whole but some translator translate source code into object code statement by statement. Source code is program that is written in high level language and object code is a program that is created after converting the source code into machine code. Source code is also called source program and object code is also called machine code. Object code is created by the language translator. The extension of the source code is .c in c language and extension of the object code is .obj.

Types of language translators

There are three types of language translators

· Compiler

· Interpreter

· Assembler


Compiler is a type of language translator that converts the source program into object program as a whole. If a source program contains any syntax error compiler displays syntax error and describes the cause of the error. Compiler displays error at the end. If a program contains syntax error it cannot be converted in object code the error must be removed before compiling the program. The process of finding and removing the errors is called debugging. The special work of the compiler is that it creates an executable file which can be run many times the extension of the executable file is .exe. There is no need to compile a program again and again if we want to run many times. The executable file can run many times of the computer. This is the advantage of the compiler over the interpreter. C compiler will compile only C language program. The compiler execution is fast than interpreter because compiler converts the whole program into machine code at once. Compiler mostly used in c or c++ language examples of the compilers turbo c++ and dev c++ are the two famous compiler for c or c++ language.

2. Interpreter:

Interpreter is a type of system software that converts the high level language into machine language. The interpreter converts the source program into machine code statement by statement the execution is slow than complier. If there is any error in the line or the statement it display an error message immediately and stop the working a programmer remove the error then interpret starts it’s working. The executable file is not created by the interpreter if a programmer wants to run a program again and again it must be interpreted again and again. This is the disadvantage of the interpreter. Interpreters are mostly used in GW Basic and JAVA programming language.

3. Assembler:

Assembly language is a low level language. In this language we need to required the hardware knowledge while write a assembly language program but the instructions of this language are English like words the instructions which are written in assembly language are mov,sub,add,mul etc. these instructions are not understandable by the computer directly it must be converted into machine then execute on the machine. Assembler is a type of system software that converts the only assembly instructions into machine language. Assembly language has its own translator called assembler.

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